St Mary Newhouse
St Mary Newhouse

St Mary’s Newhouse, Station Lane, Barton, Preston PR3 5DY

Priests:  Fr. Augustine Obiagwu and Fr. Francisco Ulogu

Parish Sisters: Sr. Shienrose La Torre, Sr. Monique, SPC


Tel: 01772 862437 or 07934 222978

or 01772 862231 (Fernyhalgh Presbytery)





Primary School: St. Mary and St. Andrew’s

Tel: 862335;


Newhouse News



16th & 17th Sundays in Ordinary Time       

21st & 28th July 2024                                      Sunday Year B




Mass Times and Intentions

20th July – Saturday

16th Sun Ordinary Time EP1





21st July – Sunday

16th   Sun Ordinary Time






Gerald Topping


RIP. Anniversary

22nd July -Monday

St. Mary Magdalen Feast






School Leavers


23rd July – Tuesday

St. Bridget Religious, Feast,

 A Patron of Europe






24th July – Wednesday

St. John Boste, Bl.Christopher Robinson& companions, Mart. of Cumbria





26th July – Friday

St.Joachim & St.Anne, M.





27th July – Saturday

17th Sun OT – EP1





28th July – Sunday

17th Sun Ordinary Time







29th July -Monday

Sts.Mary,Martha&Lazarus  M.







30th July – Tuesday

17th Tues in Ordinary Time






31st July – Wednesday

St. Ignatius of Loyola Priest.  M.



Frank Potts

Birthday remembrance

2nd August - Friday

17th Tues in Ordinary Time





3rd August – Saturday

18th Sun Ordinary Time





4th – Sunday

18th Sun Ordinary Time






Monica Perera




OLSE - Our Lady & St. Edward's, Fulwood.

SMF - St. Mary's, Fernyhalgh.

SMN - St Mary's, Newhouse.



NO MASSES on Mondays & Fridays;  

Tuesdays @ 9.00am, Wednesdays @ 10.00am, Thursdays @ 9:00am;

Saturdays @ 12 noon Ladyewell Shrine.

Sundays @ 10:00am & 3:00pm  


CONFESSION available at SMN and OLSE after every Holy Mass, except OLSE 8.45 on Sunday.


If anyone coming to Holy Communion requires a gluten-free host, please let Pauline know in advance as we now  have access to some.


Please, would parishioners who would like a mass intention hand their request directly to Sr Monique or Pauline. There is plenty of space in the Mass diary. Envelopes are available at the back of church or in the church porch.



Mass book 16th Sun. page 330

Sunday Readings 16th Sun

Jeremiah 23: 1-6

Psalm 22

Ephesians 2: 13-18

Mark 6: 30-34



Mass book 17th Sun. page 334

Sunday Readings 17th Sun

2 Kings 4: 42-44

Psalm 144: 10-11, 15-18

Ephesians 4: 1-6

John 6: 1-15




“He took pity on them … they were like sheep without a shepherd, and he set himself to teach them at some length”


Today’s Gospel Reflection

Jesus responds very differently to the two groups of people in today’s Gospel. The first group – the apostles – have just returned from the mission and are very tired, so he says to them ‘come away to a deserted place and rest for a while’. They still had much to learn but Jesus knows that their primary need at that time was to rest. The second group – the crowds – are lost and dejected. They are seeking something from Jesus so he sets about to teach them at length. A priest today can face a similar situation as he looks out at his congregation on a Sunday morning. Present are people who may be tired and simply need to rest in the Lord. They didn’t need many words. Then there are others who are lost and dejected, who are hungry for God’s word, who desire some input, some teaching. In some way the needs of both groups have to be honoured.



Please pray for the sick and housebound of our SMN and OLSE parishes:

Kevin Weardan, Victoria Leighton, Ellie Rose, Joe McIntyre, John Riley, Joe Kemp, David Cochrane, Geoffrey Clinning, Theresa Wilkinson, Jessica, Amanda, Patricia Sweeney, Rachael Mason, Bob Bamber, Josie Bateman.


To have the name of a seriously sick person on the newsletter, please submit their name and yours with your phone number



Tuesday 6th August Feast of the Transfiguration



CAFOD: Contemplation in the Year of Prayer. True silence is worth more than thousands of words, for it is in silence that we can listen and love. But to get to the right type of silence, first we need to listen to the right sounds. And so we start with a little theory, or some premises:



The Pope’s Prayer Intention for the month of July


For the Pastoral Care of the Sick

We pray that the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick confer to those who receive it and their loved ones the power of the Lord and become ever more a visible sign of compassion and hope for all.















We are looking for volunteers to help with the Children’s Liturgy. Currently it’s once a month and you will be in a rota with the current team. The only requirements are over 18, enthusiastic and happy to complete a DBS. If you fancy a chat please come and see me; I’m usually at the back of Church. Thank you, Michaela


Children's Liturgy every first Sunday of the month, except during school holidays.


Remaining dates for 2024

  • August - holiday
  • September - holiday
  • 6th October
  • 3rd November
  • 1st December

We look forward to welcoming all our young people.




Musicians with any instrument

and anyone who enjoys singing,

please offer your gifts and talents

to enhance the Sunday liturgy.

NO auditions required! 

Please speak to Jim Loughran.


Altar Serving 

We would welcome new altar servers to join our team. Whether young or not-so-young, this important ministry in our church is open to all who have made their First Holy Communion.

Please do consider it and speak to one of our Fathers, Sisters or John Woods and an introductory session will be arranged.



Parish Collection including via banks: 7th &14th July £ 996.95

Special Collections: Peters Pence £15; Stella Maris £51.59

Thank you


Mass attendance: 7th July 82; 14th July 48



CAFOD: How the new UK government must act to tackle global poverty.

Thousands of candidates who stood in the general election heard calls to act on poverty thanks to CAFOD supporters across England and Wales. With hundreds of those candidates taking their seats in Parliament, it's time for words to be turned into action



Are you planning a parish retreat or something similar in the year ahead?

Castlerigg Manor is the retreat centre of the Diocese of Lancaster, based in Keswick in the Lake District and we have some available weekends for the coming academic year.

We are offering a special rate for weekends outside of the summer term, which means that it’s just £81 per person, meals included.

Castlerigg has 72 beds, seven acres of grounds, our own chapel, large group rooms, small group meeting rooms, and we’re just ten minutes’ walk from Keswick and Lake Derwentwater.

If you’re interested, contact our Business Manager, Adrianne –



SMN WhatsApp Group

We have a St Mary’s Newhouse WhatsApp group for all our parishioners, it’s a great way to keep up with all (parish) news. If you would like to have your mobile number added, please pass the details to Michaela - thank you.



Special Rosary Service

To celebrate the Solemnity of the Assumption of Our Lady at St. Mary’s Newhouse.

Thursday 15th August 2024    starting at 2:00pm


Guest Speaker: Fr. Emmanuel Chukwujekwu

Currently working in the Salford Diocese


Followed by tea, coffee and biscuits



OLSE Parish Centre and those living with Dementia 

In response to requests that we should assist those living with Dementia and their Carers we have become partners with Blue Flamingo Café + Community Hub. 

This voluntary organisation, which was established in 2021, has developed expertise in this field. 

On Friday 13 September OLSE parish centre will be hosting a lunch for those living with dementia, their careers and volunteers. 

We intend to hold these lunches every fortnight. 

Are you interested?  

Would you like to be a volunteer? Training will be given. 

Contact Frank 07779 436279 



Sunday September 15th. Doors open at Midday. Mass with Bishop Paul at 3pm. A great chance to visit Castlerigg and hopefully have a bit of fun!



This September, Castlerigg are having two weekends for adults and families. September 6-8th will be a ‘quiet weekend’ for adults hopefully providing a chance to get away from it all and enjoy Keswick and the Lakes. There will be Mass on site. Then, on September 27-29th, there will be an open weekend for adults and families. Again, there will be Mass on site, plus a quiz night for the adults too. Book online at

or call 01768 772711



Annual Pilgrimage to the Diocesan Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes at Cleator

on Sunday 8th September 2024.


The principal celebrant and preacher will be Bishop Paul Swarbrick.

The theme this year is 'Our Lady, Guide of the Wanderer'. So many in our world are on the move seeking safety, peace, economic security. So many in our world are wandering and rootless in their moral and religious lives. We seek the intercession of Our Lady who gave us Jesus the Way, the Truth, the Life. 

The statues of the Cure of Ars and St Therese of Lisieux will be placed in the grounds of the shrine.

The pilgrimage will be an opportunity to honour and to ask their intercession for healing and consolation.

If needed, pilgrims may bring their own packed lunch. Tea and coffee are provided.




Thinking Faith summer week (27th July-3rd August) on ‘What Catholics Really Believe’,

A week on Care for Creation (5th-12th October)

Advent Hope in Health weekend (6th-8th December)

All of the events combine talks, prayer, time outdoors and social time. For more information, see or email Sr Margaret Atkins on



Food bank

We particularly need: tins of tuna, tea bags & toiletries plus all usual items.

Thank you for all your continuing support.

Your generosity is only matched by the real need of the families we serve.

With your help, children are fed who would otherwise go hungry.


All donations for the Food bank and St Wilfrid’s can be dropped off at the back of the church or at 3 Marlborough Drive.

Collection can be arranged by calling 0777 943 627

Thank you for all your support and May God Bless you and your family.



Cafod Lunch in Our Lady & St Edwards Parish Centre

Saturday 27th July 2024, 12 – 2.00pm

2 Course Lunch + Tea/Coffee

Wine & Beer on Sale


(Donations of Prizes welcome)

Tickets £7.50. To reserve please text or call Emma   0789 022 0249



Additional adult help is needed at the Beaver Scout meeting held on Thursdays from 6.15pm in the Our Lady and St. Edward’s Parish Centre. There are many flexible ways of volunteering in Scouting. Could this be you? Please contact Ian Mulholland, Group Scout Leader on 07944 857813 or email




Monthly Meet Group.

If you live alone and are feeling lonely then read on. Would you like to meet other people to talk to? Are you nervous about meeting new people? Then our little group could be what you are looking for.

It’s a group for retired people who live alone but would like to meet others to chat to. Some of our group get together for other things too or just chat on the phone.

We welcome new members. We meet on the last Monday of every month for a chat and a cuppa. We sometimes book speakers to share their experiences with us.


Every month we arrange a Sunday Lunch at a pub to help us get to know each other and enjoy a meal.

If you would like to know more, please come along to our next meeting:

Last Monday of every month from 2 – 4pm.

Next meeting: July 29th


Our Lady and St Edward’s Church Hall, Marlborough Drive, Fulwood.

Contact Anne on 07788 781352 for more details.




Visit:- to view all the different diocesan newspapers, including the Catholic Voice of Lancaster.



"Care for our Common Home.” At the moment the blister packs that are used for many tablets/pills cannot be recycled in the general recycling.  However, Superdrug stores are offering to recycle them.  All their stores and pharmacies are participating.  Please bring your empty blister packs and leave them in the box at the back of church and Pat Loughran will take them to Superdrug.  It can be one way of our parish working towards making the world a better place for our children and grandchildren.


Thank you for your continued support in bringing empty pill blister packs to Church. It is our small effort in saving the planet. Also Boots stores will recycle empty beauty, healthcare and wellness containers that cannot be put in council recycling bins. This also includes travel mini containers, mascaras, makeup palettes, lipsticks, toothpaste tubes and lotion pumps. At the Boots on Deepdale Retail Park the recycling box is by the tills near the front door. 



Looking for a gift for Baptism, First Holy Communion, Confirmation; Lent/Easter, Advent/Christmas (at appropriate times)? Call into Covenant Books on Whitby Avenue, Ingol PR2 3YP - next to Holy Family Church and opposite Holy Family primary school. We have cards, gifts e.g. statues, crucifixes, rosary beads, liturgical cloths for ‘focus’ tables, books and other items for most occasions.

OPENING TIMES: - Thursday: 10 am - 4pm, Friday 10 am - 2 pm, Saturday 10 am - 12 noon.




If we are not open and you need something urgently, please email us and we will do our best to help you.



The Haydock Memorial

Informative videos can be found on St. Andrews, Cottam website (, including one which includes reference to the Haydock memorial at St. Mary's. See



See Bishop Paul's blog for recent Diocesan news.

The Word of Mercy

Parish Clergy:

Fr. Augustine Obiagwu (Priest in Charge) and

Fr. Francisco Ulogu 

at St Mary's, Fernyhalgh

Telephone: mostly via the Sisters on 07934 222978 or 01772 862437

but also via Fernyhalgh parish on 01772 862231


Parish Sisters: 

Sister Sheinrose La Torre and Sister Monique

belonging to congregation St. Paul of Chartres.

at The Convent (formerly OLSE presbytery).

Tel: 07934 222978 or 01772 862437 



Universalis (3-day)

Thu 25 July (Tue, 23 Jul 2024)
Saint James, Apostle
>> Read more

Fri 26 July (Wed, 24 Jul 2024)
Saint Joachim and Saint Anne, parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary
>> Read more

Sat 27 July (Thu, 25 Jul 2024)
Saturday of week 16 in Ordinary Time, or Saturday memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary
>> Read more

ZENIT – English

Fifth U.S. court to arrest Biden-Kamala for seeking to impose LGBT+ ideology affecting women (Fri, 26 Jul 2024)
The Biden administration’s unlawful attempt to rewrite Title IX threatens teachers and students’ privacy, safety, fairness, and free speech. The post Fifth U.S. court to arrest Biden-Kamala for seeking to impose LGBT+ ideology affecting women appeared first on ZENIT - English.
>> Read more

New Zealand’s Royal Commission Exposes Widespread Abuse in Religious and State Care (Fri, 26 Jul 2024)
New Zealand Commission Criticizes Religious Institutions for Failing to Address Abuse The post New Zealand’s Royal Commission Exposes Widespread Abuse in Religious and State Care appeared first on ZENIT - English.
>> Read more

Does anyone who attends traditional Latin Mass accept the Pope? Scientific study reveals 5 impressive facts (against common beliefs) (Fri, 26 Jul 2024)
A professor of sociology and theology and a data scientist with a double doctorate in demography and sociology have endeavored to remedy the lack of transparent, systematically collected, objective data on the Traditional Latin Mass community. The post Does anyone who attends traditional Latin Mass accept the Pope? Scientific study reveals 5 impressive facts (against common beliefs) appeared first on ZENIT - English.
>> Read more

See the new website launched by the Catholic Church in England and Wales by following this link

It is designed to help all grappling with issues around the meaning of dying and death. Based on the Catholic tradition but open to all, it features real-life stories about dealing with the journey through death to eternal life.