St Mary’s Newhouse, Station Lane, Barton, Preston PR3 5DY
Priests: Fr. Augustine Obiagwu and Fr. Francisco Ulogu
Parish Sisters: Sr. Shienrose La Torre, Sr. Monique, SPC
Tel: 01772 862437 or 07934 222978
or 01772 862231 (Fernyhalgh Presbytery)
Safeguarding Officer: Michaela Allison 07802 435561
Primary School: St. Mary and St. Andrew’s
Tel: 862335;
Newhouse News
2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time
19th January 2025: Year C
Mass Times and Intentions
OLSE - Our Lady & St. Edward's, Fulwood.
SMF - St. Mary's, Fernyhalgh.
SMN - St Mary's, Newhouse.
NO MASSES on Mondays & Fridays;
Tuesdays @ 9.00am, Wednesdays @ 9.00am, Thursdays @ 9:00am;
Saturdays @ 12 noon Ladyewell Shrine.
Sundays @ 10:00am & 3:00pm
CONFESSION available at SMN and OLSE after every Holy Mass.
If anyone coming to Holy Communion requires a gluten-free host, please let Pauline know in advance as we now have access to some.
Please, would parishioners who would like a mass intention hand their request directly to Sr Shienrose or Pauline. There is plenty of space in the Mass diary. Envelopes are available at the back of church or in the church porch.
If you know of our parishioners who want to have communion/confession please approach Sr Shienrose or any of our priests. Thank you.
Please pray for the sick and housebound of our SMN and OLSE parishes:
Kevin Weardan, Victoria Leighton, Ellie Rose, Joe McIntyre, John Riley, Joe Kemp, David Cochrane, Theresa Wilkinson, Jessica, Amanda, Christine, Patricia Sweeney, Bob Bamber, Josie Bateman, Margaret Boad, Caspia Bragagnini.
To have the name of a seriously sick person on the newsletter, please submit their name and yours with your phone number
Parish WhatsApp group
We have a St Mary's Newhouse WhatsApp group for all our parishioners. It's a great way to keep up with all parish news, especially when something time-critical needs to be communicated.
If you would like to be added to the group, please pass your details (must have mobile phone number) to Michaela after Mass. Or let Sr. Sheinrose know (contact details at top of bulletin) and she will pass on to Michaela.
Thank you.
The Pope’s Prayer Intention for the month of January
For the right to an education
Let us pray for migrants, refugees and those affected by war, that their right to an education, which is necessary to build a better world, might always be respected.
Mass book page 127
Sunday Readings
Isaiah 62:1-5
Psalm 96(95)-2a,2b-3,7-8a
1 Corinthians 12:4-11
John 2:1-11
“Do whatever he tells you”
Today's Gospel Reflection
If the disobedience of the first man and woman brought ruin and misery to God’s good creation, the obedience of Jesus, the Second Adam, and Mary, the New Eve will be the principle of renewal and salvation. The episode of the wedding at Cana is the first time that Jesus and his mother appear together in the Gospel of John. This event is significant because it marks the beginning of Jesus’ hour of glory, which his mother hastens by her appeal that Jesus does something about the wine, to save the newlyweds from embarrassment. Mary instructs the servants to obey Jesus in everything. And Jesus, though feeling that the right time has not yet come, obeys his mother. By his obedience, Jesus begins his march towards Calvary and his hour of glory. We too, by our simple act of obedience to God’s will, become participants in the divine project of renewing the face of the earth.
Lord Jesus, help us to understand how obedience aligns us with God’s grand design for the entire creation. Amen.
Sr Bernardita Dianzon fsp
Parish Collection including via banks
Mass Offering - £480.45
Mass Attendance - 81
Thank you very much!
Today is the Day of Prayer for Peace
White Flower Collection (SPUC)
Next Sunday is Sunday of the word of God
White Flower Appeal 2025
White Flower Appeal 2025 – The Society for the Protection of Unborn children
SPUC exists to radically transform culture so that abortion is not only abolished but becomes truly unthinkable. To accomplish this mission, The Society is positioning initiatives in politics, education, legislation, and culture. Through these efforts we will restore a respect for the sanctity of human life to our society. This Year’s appeal postcards call on the Government to adhere to the United Nations’ Convention on the Rights of the Child.
Please be as generous as you can to help SPUC defend unborn babies and their mothers.
MARRIAGE PREPARATION COURSE at St Clare’s Parish: This will be starting in the parish on Thursday January 23rd 2025. This is an 8-week course open to all in the Deanery. For more information call Sian Martin 07930 249203.
Time for the Sermon…
A young vicar said to his wife, “Do I out enough fire into my sermons?” “Darling, “she replied, “I don’t think you put enough of your sermon in the fire.”
Bloopers and Blessings
OLSE Parish News
Churches Together - Fulwood & Broughton
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2025
Do you believe this?
United Songs of Praise Service
3pm Sunday 19th January
Our Lady and St Edward RC Church
4 Marlborough Drive, PR2 9UE
Year of Jubilee 2025
"Another heartfelt appeal that I would make in light of the coming Jubilee is directed to the more affluent nations. I ask that they acknowledge the gravity of so many of their past decisions and determine to forgive the debts of countries that will never be able to repay them. More than a question of generosity, this is a matter of justice".
Pope Francis
The Jubilee Companion Booklet
Alive Publishing has put together this Companion Booklet for the Jubilee Year to assist and enrich your celebration of this historic time.
Cardinal Vincent Nichols said:
“It will help you ponder and pray, focusing on the great themes of the Holy Year: hope, forgiveness, the figures of the Apostles Peter and Paul and their basilicas in Rome, the key places of prayer and repentance in every Holy Year.”
Be a pilgrim with us in the Church Year of Jubilee. In a world that is growing more unjust and unequal, we invite people, schools and communities to experience the joy and strength in coming together as we respond to God’s call for a reset, a renewal of faith and a recommitment to a just world. For resources and ideas, visit
For any teachers, there are school resources too: including for launch day on 24th January.
The Jubilee prayer
Father in heaven,
may the faith you have given us
in your son, Jesus Christ, our brother,
and the flame of charity enkindled
in our hearts by the Holy Spirit,
reawaken in us the blessed hope
for the coming of your Kingdom.
May your grace transform us
into tireless cultivators of the seeds of the Gospel.
May those seeds transform from within both humanity
and the whole cosmos in the sure expectation
of a new heaven and a new earth,
when, with the powers of Evil vanquished,
your glory will shine eternally.
May the grace of the Jubilee
reawaken in us, Pilgrims of Hope,
a yearning for the treasures of heaven.
May that same grace spread
the joy and peace of our Redeemer throughout the earth.
To you our God, eternally blessed,
be glory and praise for ever.
Official prayer from Pope Francis for the Jubilee year 2025, "Pilgrims of hope"
Visit:- to view all the different diocesan newspapers, including the Catholic Voice of Lancaster.
"Care for our Common Home.” At the moment the blister packs that are used for many tablets/pills cannot be recycled in the general recycling. However, Superdrug stores are offering to recycle them. All their stores and pharmacies are participating. Please bring your empty blister packs and leave them in the box at the back of church and Pat Loughran will take them to Superdrug. It can be one way of our parish working towards making the world a better place for our children and grandchildren.
Thank you for your continued support in bringing empty pill blister packs to Church. It is our small effort in saving the planet. Also Boots stores will recycle empty beauty, healthcare and wellness containers that cannot be put in council recycling bins. This also includes travel mini containers, mascaras, makeup palettes, lipsticks, toothpaste tubes and lotion pumps. At the Boots on Deepdale Retail Park the recycling box is by the tills near the front door.
Looking for a gift for Baptism, First Holy Communion, Confirmation; Lent/Easter, Advent/Christmas (at appropriate times)? Call into Covenant Books on Whitby Avenue, Ingol PR2 3YP - next to Holy Family Church and opposite Holy Family primary school. We have cards, gifts e.g. statues, crucifixes, rosary beads, liturgical cloths for ‘focus’ tables, books and other items for most occasions.
OPENING TIMES: - Thursday: 10 am - 4pm, Friday 10 am - 2 pm, Saturday 10 am - 12 noon.
If we are not open and you need something urgently, please email us and we will do our best to help you.
Job Vacancy
Station Lane, Barton, Preston, Lancashire, PR3 5DY
Tel: 01772 862335
School website:
For more information visit:
Meetings to be held in OLSE Parish Centre lounge on 2nd Thursday of month.
Come and join our friendly group on Thursday 13th February.
We meet from 7.30 - 9.15pm and have information, speakers, craft night etc
Brew & biscuits we ask for just £1, small raffle £1 if you wish.
Just turn up or for more info contact Marion Fogarty
01772 863859/07306072304
The Haydock Memorial
Informative videos can be found on St. Andrews, Cottam website (, including one which includes reference to the Haydock memorial at St. Mary's. See
See Bishop Paul's blog for recent Diocesan news.