St Mary Newhouse
St Mary Newhouse


Want to enhance your prayer routine or understand the Scriptures more deeply?

Here are some ideas to help you .....


'Pray as You go' app.

If you like a handy app to help you pray more on meditation, examination, etc. see the  Pray as You go app.


Loyola Press   Includes a daily 3-minute retreat (you can request a daily email reminder to this), reflections on future Sunday/Feastday scriptures , Saints, Family prayer and more.


Preston Xaverians   Includes reflections on Sunday scriptures and a link to sign up for weekly newsletter.


Pray as you go   A ‘Prayer tool’ for every day (Jesuit website). You can also download the App. Highly recommended to start or end your day. It lasts 15 mins. It combines music, scripture and questions for reflection. There are lots of other prayer tools on the website, eg Examen for relections at the end of the day/week.


Sacred Space Daily online prayer.


Living Faith Daily online prayer.


Daily Mass

Daily Mass can be found online from many churches, including local church St Clare’s, Fulwood

Liverpool church St Anne & St Bernard’s

A google search will find many more!


Covenant Books, Ingol

Stocks many items to help with your spiritual life - books, music, posters, etc. Including a small booklet, Living Faith, which has readings, prayers and thoughts for each day covering 3 months per booklet, £1.


CAFOD  Many activities for children, including colouring sheet based on the Sunday gospel reading.




Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful,

and kindle in them the fire of Your Divine Love.


Send forth Your Spirit and they shall be created,
and You shall renew the face of the earth.


Oh God, who by the light of the Holy Spirit instructed the hearts of the faithful,

Grant, that by the same Spirit

we may be truly wise and ever rejoice in His consolation.

We ask this through Christ Our Lord.  Amen


Your THUMB is nearest to you. Pray for the people closest to you and who you love most.

Next is INDEX or pointing finger. Pray for those who teach you or have shown you the way to Jesus.

Third is TALLEST and reminds us pray for leaders of communities, schools, countries, churches.

Fourth is RING finger and, did you know?, the weakest finger. Pray for people who are sick, troubled or lonely.

Fifth is LITTLE finger. Pray for yourself!









Lord Our God!

Strengthen our hands, which have received the Holy Sacrifice for the forgiveness of sins.
O God, make them worthy to offer You good fruits every day.

Make our lips, which have sung your praises in this holy place, worthy to praise you in Heaven.


Let not the ears, which have heard the sound of your praises, hear the voice of condemnation.

May the eyes, which have beheld your great mercy, also behold your blessed Second Coming.

Dispose the tongues, that have sung your praises and glorified you as ‘Holy’, to speak the truth.

May the feet, that have walked in the church, walk in the land of light.

Give new life to our bodies, which have received your living body.


Enrich with every blessing our congregation, which has worshipped You.

May Your everlasting love remain with us forever.

May we grow in that love and offer You our praises.

Open Your door to our prayers.

May this service find acceptance in Your presence.


(An ancient prayer of thanksgiving after Holy Communion from the Syro Malabar Rite)